While Dad works on the basement renovation, the kids and I played some
basketball tonight at the park. The girls were winning 8-0. The only
person to score (me) was taller than 5'1". My teammate asked why the
boys kept taking the ball from her. Her younger brother answered her
with, "Because you're the worst!"
As you can imagine, that instantly produced tears in her eyes. She was wailing that she was done and wanted to go home. I gathered the kids together and we chatted about how it would feel to have someone say that to you. And then I awarded my girl five free throws for getting her feelings hurt. With a smile, she planted her feet and took her shots.
Then the boys got to take some shots, and then it was their sister's turn again. They had a blast seeing if they could make any baskets.
By the time the sun was going down and it was time to pack it in and go home, they were all best friends again.
I love being here with them for these experiences, being Mom, so that I can teach them the right way to treat each other and to react to each other. Things that they don't learn when they're hanging out with 100 kids on the playground at school.
I love my job.